Wednesday, September 26, 2007

JAN (Just a nurse)

OK, I have been holding out for a while about posting this but maybe once I do I will finally be able to let it go... But, maybe not
OK here is the scene. very sick liver failure pt with enlarging belly and possible GI bleed comes in. This pt arrives by EMS in another RN's station. I drop what I am doing to help out. While primary RN is doing the NGT I am starting lines, drawing blood etc. in walks attending ER MD and resident ER MD
Attending- (not knowing he was asking the resident) "What is in the NGT?
Me- "Lots of blood- mud like really"
Attending- (icy stare and icier tone)"are you the Stanford ER resident?"
Me- "Why no, not today."
So I quickly finish helping the other RN and go back to my team tail between my legs. a little bit later I hear the liver patient yelling. I go into the room to see what he needs, he asks for pain meds. I go to attending
ME- "the liver guys wants something for pain"
Attending "Are you serious? Did he just ask for something?"
Me (while walking away) "Well I am no Stanford Er resident, but that is what he said"
Attending "I was joking when I said that earlier"
Me "Yeah it sounding very joking when you stared me down and said that"
So fast forward a couple of shifts. same attending different critical pt. This one liver failure no BP renal failure
Attending "What is wrong with this pt?"
Me- "Well I am no Stanford ER resident but I think he is not feeling well today." (as I walk away)
About 2 hours later and after several requests for a central line to give all the meds and blood said pt needs. Attending is at bedside while I am mixing meds. I come back to the room as Attending says to ICU fellow "NO I am not the nurse! I am the Dr. forget the nurse work you saw me doing."
ME- "nurse work? I am so sorry you had to do nurse work"
Attending " didn't see you there, the ICU MD thought I was the nurse."
me "OIC, I am not a Stanford ER resident after all."
Attending "Well you are just as good as a resident."
ME- look of disgust.- (nothing personally wrong with residents here, but after being an ER nurse for so many years, I would think that I knew a little bit more than the new residents.) "Thank so much!"
So now I am not really sure if the attending does not like ER nurses, does not trust the nurses or thinks we are stupid. Either way, I try to make myself a valuable part of the team. I don't think I am better than anyone else, I don't think that any one else is necessarily better than me, but we are a team. Each person is an integral part of this team as we can not function as one person alone. I try to learn something new and expand my knowledge daily, and I do know that there is always more than one way to skin a cat. Anyway I think that my blog has quickly become one rant after another. I feel a little better about getting this out. Although I can not guarantee that I will not throw the Stanford Er resident thing in Attending's face again. AS I do lack the filter between my brain and my mouth


AtYourCervix said...

I love your sass and wit with that attending. Welcome to the blogosphere!!

Night Witch said...

I may have to steal that line at work. It is a classic. I work with a couple of Stanford grads who sometimes forget that they are not the end all and be all in medicine.