Saturday, September 1, 2007

New to me

So this whole blogging thing is pretty new to me. I just happened on a blog tonight while looking for new shoes.
Apparently there is a blog between irate nurses and Dr's about who is treated worse. I would have to say the nurses probably get it worse. Anyway I thought people were really getting worked up over something that really didn't matter much. People with power are not always kind, some are worse then others. Get over it and move on. I love my job for the most part, but there are days when it is really difficult to maintain composure when some new intern or resident decides they are god. I know what my role is and I try to do the best I can.
Anyway enough about that. I am still looking for better shoes and now I am blogging instead of looking. Oh, well, I guess tomorrow I can look again. You never know what Google will turn up in a search for nursing shoes.

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