Friday, September 21, 2007

Just another night

Well it is just another night in the ER. Hard to believe that I get paid to do what I do.
So a typical night starts out a little crazy. 20 people in the lobby for hours waiting their turn for a coveted bed. Ambulances backed up in the halls that are littered with drunks and the cops that are waiting to take them away.
Tonight was more like a typical Friday or Saturday night with more Police officers than nurses. The police waiting for the "medically cleared for jail" dispo. And the gems that they bring in, I mean how many people can go to work to be called "cock sucking slut, faggot, f#$%^ing bitch nigger"? I think that Tourette's syndrome is more and more common these days. How else can you explain the things that come out of the mouths of the 20 somethings will thrashing about on a stretcher. You would think that it was my fault that Jr decided to drink, do a little meth and then ram his car into someone while going 95MPH. So you have to wonder why would anyone would want this job? I ask myself this question frequently. Maybe the adrenaline rush of getting that STEMI off to the cath lab in under 60 minutes, or starting the Stroke protocol. I know that I have to do this job, some days not because I want to, but because it is what I was born to do. I do like to take care of my share of "train wrecks", I actually prefer them. I also love to take of the Peds. But it is very difficult to take the constant disrespect from the many jerks out there. I can not count the number of times I have spit on, kicked, swung at, pissed on and cursed at by the belligerent drunks and drug addicts. I understand that alcoholism is a disease and that addiction is horrible, but when did society decide to make it OK for these people to treat everyone like a roach. Some days it is almost to hard to take and I find myself fantasizing about knocking their teeth out. But for now I guess I will have to settle for being "cock sucking slut, faggot, f#$%^ing bitch nigger" while I get you that warm blanket and boxed meal. I will sign this JAN- (just a nurse)

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