Saturday, October 13, 2007

Where oh, where???

So I have a huge dilemma- do I keep traveling in hopes to find the perfect place to settle down and plant roots, or do I go back home tail between my legs and try to survive there for a few more years. My hubby has made it pretty clear that he does not want to live "forever" in my home town. My son is dead set on staying put- he has a best friend. My uncle keeps trying to convince me to go to Fresno, my sister wants me in Dallas. And me, I would love to live back home, only if I knew I was going to stay. I actually wouldn't mind staying here if I could get a job. I have applied at every hospital in this area and no one has called me back. They all have openings posted, but the recruiters don't return phone calls. So far my favorite places have been Tulsa, OK; Cour d lane Idaho; Maui; Albuquerque, New Mexico. I guess my time in Tucson was nice, but the pay was lousy and the schools were not great. Georgia seems nice, and so does Texas. I have heard that the Carolina's are beautiful. I really just want a place I can call home, maybe have a house. I would love for my son to go to the same school all of his life, and give him siblings. It would be nice to have friends and family where we live too. I know that I am asking for a lot here. If anyone knows where I should go I am open to opinions.

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